
Three couples arrange to meet up for dinner with friends. But no one is really in the mood for a reunion. Because some unspoken conflicts are smouldering under the tablecloth. Jacob Matschenz has taken on the role of “Matze”, who actually just wanted to introduce his new girlfriend that evening. The film is now available in the ZDF Mediathek and will be shown on September 2 at 8:15 pm on ZDF.

Behringer und die Toten

Die RTL Krimi Reihe geht weiter und Alexander Costea wird in zwei weiteren Filmen Regie führen. Produziert wird von der

Alle nicht ganz dicht

The comedy, directed by Lars Jessen and produced by Florida Film, can now be seen in the ZDF Mediathek and on September 26 at 8:15 p.m. on ZDF. For decades, Barbara Lucke was the “Joan of Arc” of the works council at the famous mail-order company Sander. Now, shortly before retiring after 30 years, “red Barbara” is unexpectedly voted out of office, loses her leave of absence and has to work as a clerk at the shared desk - in the “laundry-bathing” department of her career-oriented son Bastian, of all places.

Die Spreewaldklinik

Rilana Nitsch is in front of the camera for the new Sat.1 early evening series in the role of Andreja. Alexandra Loewe has taken over the casting, which is being produced by ndF.

Bernd Burgemeister Preis

"Micha denkt groß"
The film by Jan Georg Schütte and Lars Jessen was awarded the Bernd Burgemeister Prize for the best television film. The jury explained its decision as follows: "How can you tell the story of the climate crisis without resorting to indoctrination and know-it-all attitude? How can you show the drama of the situation and still overcome the audience's defenses? This production and its outstanding team in front of and behind the camera show how it can be done with the TV film 'Micha denkt groß'."

Deutscher Schauspielpreis 2024

We are delighted to announce that Laura Tonke has been nominated in the "Comedic Role" category for her role in "Sexuell verfügbar". The award will be presented in Berlin on September 13.

Der Kredit

Frauenversteher unter sich
The duel between multiple audience award winners Andreas Klaue and Ralf Stech can currently be seen at the Komödie im Marquardt. You can look forward to a wonderfully funny battle of words! Director: Ute Willing

Wo wir sind, ist oben

In the eight-part dramedy series, two brilliant lobbyists engage in a gripping competition for power and prestige. Clelia Sarto has taken on the role of "Regina Rehber". Now available in the ARD Mediathek.

Tatort Saarbrücken

Das Ende der Nacht
The first take for "Das Ende der Nacht", the new "Tatort" from ARD Degeto Film and Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR), was shot on June 5. The screenplay was written by Melanie Waelde. The director is Tini Tüllmann.

Alles Fifty Fifty

Filmfest München 2024
It's official! The new comedy by Alireza Golafshan celebrates its world premiere on July 04, 2024 at the Munich Film Festival. Laura Tonke and Moritz Bleibtreu can be seen in the leading roles in this turbulent relationship comedy about the parenting issues of our time.

Münter & Kandinsky

Filmfest München 2024
On July 5, 2024, the film celebrates its world premiere at the Munich Film Festival. An elaborate portrait of an extraordinary artistic relationship. With Ines Honsel and Felix Hellmann.

Dinner For Five

“The same procedure as every year!” Filming for the series prequel has begun. Jacob Matschenz takes on one of the main roles “Sir Toby”, Tom Beck is also involved. Six 45-minute episodes will be filmed for Amazon Prime Video.

Seriencamp Festival 2024

‘30 Tage Lust’ has won the Audience Award at Series Camp 2024. Congratulations to Carolina Zimmermann and Karla Cristóbal and the entire team.

Marie fängt Feuer

Filming is currently running for new episodes of the ZDF series. Matthias Kiefersauer is directing 2 episodes. Sebastian Fritz is back as village policeman Fritz Engel. In addition, Christiane Bärwald and Sebastian Winkler each take on an episode role. Casting: Franzi Aigner.


We are very pleased that we are now able to represent Philipp Straetker as director: Philipp was awarded the German Camera Prize last week for the fast-paced editing of the series pilot ‘Gastrogötter’, which he also directed himself.

Neues deutsches Kino

Filmfest München 2024
This year, "Klandestin" ( script and director Angelina Maccarone) is celebrating its premiere as part of the "New German Cinema" series. Angelina already received the Lola for Best Unfilmed Screenplay in 2017. The film "Sonnenplätze" by Maverick Film ( script: Aaron Arens and Lukas Loose) will also be screened.

Viktor bringt's

Neue Serie
As a true Berliner and thoroughbred service technician, Viktor Kudinski is always right - at least if he has his way. The new series starts on Prime Video on 30 May. With him: Jacob Matschenz.

Seriencamp 2024

We are very happy that the series "Bad Influencer", directed by Melanie Waelde and Lilli Tautfest, and "30 Tage Lust", scripted by Karla Cristóbal and Carolina Zimmermann, among others, are celebrating their premiere at the series camp. Tom Beck has taken on a small guest role. The festival kicks off with the long-awaited RTL series "Ich bin Dagobert", starring Clelia Sarto and others, on 5 June 2024 in Cologne.

Maxton Hall

Die Welt zwischen uns
The time has finally come! With "Maxton Hall - The World Between Us", Prime Video has adapted the bestseller "Save Me" by Mona Kasten. All 6 episodes of the first season can now be streamed on Amazon Pime Video. Clelia Sarto was allowed to take on the role of "Cordelia Beaufort". Casting: Emrah Ertem

Neues deutsches Fernsehen

Filmfest München 2024
We are very happy that the work of our directors will be represented in the "New German Television" section at the Munich Film Festival 2024. On the one hand, "Nichts mehr wie es war" (directed by Lars Jessen and Jan Georg Schütte) and "Tödliche Schatten" (directed by Alexander Dierbach).

Camgaroo Award 2024

In the category "Sci-Fi/Mystery", "S/N:05" with Sebastian Jehkul won. The prize in the "Feature Film" category went to "Hundswut" with Corinna Binzer, Sepp Schauer and Max Schmidt. Congratulations to all the winners.

Polizeiruf 110

Team Blohm and Eden (Stephan Zinner) are back again to investigate. A former administration building has burnt down. A charred body has been found in the rubble. And nobody knew the dead woman. Detective Chief Inspector Cris Blohm and her colleague Dennis Eden try to solve the mystery of the dead woman. Alongside Stephan Zinner, Gerhard Wittmann has taken on the role of "Mr Busch" in this episode. The episode can be seen on 26.05.2024 at 20:15 on ARD. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Grüsse vom Mars

The film won the ECFA Award in the categories "Best International Feature Film" and "Best European Children's Feature Film". The film was directed by our own Sarah Winkenstette.

Kafka, Otto, Huber

Mira Huber in "Kafka, Otto, Huber" at the Hofspielhaus in Munich. The premiere was a great success. The Münchner Merkur commented: "But the great discovery of the evening is Mira Huber. In view of her fine and precise acting, her name should be well remembered."

Die Rosenheim-Cops

Staffel 23
24 new episodes of the popular ZDF series are currently being produced. The Bavarian detectives from the foothills of the Alps will not let up and will continue to investigate with a clear-up rate of 100%, including Bavarian humor and charm. Dieter Fischer and Sarah Thonig are back again.

SOKO Stuttgart

The 16th season of the early evening series is being produced in the Swabian metropolis. The new episodes are scheduled to air in fall 2024. Sina Wilke is involved in one episode in an episode role.


Shooting has started on Fatih Akin's new feature film, starring Laura Tonke and Lars Jessen, among others. The film is due to be released at the end of September 2025.

Club der Dinosaurier

Shooting of the six-part high-end comedy series by Nils Gutenhofen and Lutz Heineking jr. has started. The series is being produced by Syrreal Entertainment, eitelsonnenschein and CBS Studios. Tom Beck will take a guest role.

30 Tage Lust

The series follows the couple Freddy and Zeno. A spontaneous experiment puts their long-standing relationship to the test: Freddy and Zeno agree to have sex with whomever they want for 30 days. Karla Cristóbal and Carolina Zimmermann were among those in the Writers Room. The series was already represented at Series Mania 2024.


Shooting for 6 new episodes of the ZDF series has started in Bayerischzell. Hannes Hellmann is taking part again.

Notruf Hafenkante

In Hamburg und Umgebung entstehen derzeit 25 neue Folgen der 19. Staffel der ZDF-Polizeiserie "Notruf Hafenkante" mit Hannes Hellmann.

Jenseits der Spree

4. Staffel
The 4th season of the crime series is set in the Berlin district of Köpenick and is based on a script by Etienne Heimann. The latest case, "Dunkelfeld", is particularly complex. The clever crossover case, which was already filmed last year, takes the audience from the fourth season of "Jenseits der Spree" to the 15th season of "Chefin". Directed by Christoph Ischinger from a screenplay by Etienne Heimann ("Jenseits der Spree") and Alexander Costea from a screenplay by Peter Kocyla ("Die Chefin").


Der Drehstart für die neuen Folgen der beliebten Krimiserie SOKO Köln ZDFs hat begonnen. Alexander Costea übernimmt hier für 4 Folgen die Regie.

Rückkehr auf Zeit

Unter Uns
Anna Julia Antonucci returns to Schillerallee as a guest (airing May 2024). Anna, who already appeared as Charlotte Sommer (then still under her maiden name Anna Julia Kapfelsperger) in the daily RTL series from 2008 to 2010, is celebrating her "Unter uns" comeback. For the 30th anniversary of the series, Anna is returning to the show for three months.

Lost in Fuseta

Ein Krimi aus Portugal
From Easter Monday, April 1, the ARD Mediathek will put the second "Lost in Fuseata" entitled "Spur der Schatten" online. The regular television broadcast will be on Thursday, April 4 and Saturday, April 6, 2024, both at 8.15 pm. Felix Herzogenrath took over the direction.

Disko 76

The series, starring Jacob Matschenz and others, takes you into a world full of rousing music, dazzling dances and a story that is driven by joie de vivre, a spirit of optimism and romance. All 6 episodes are now available on RTL+ and can be seen on NITRO on April 1.


With "Vorstadtweiber", Austria has created its own "Sex and the City". Over six seasons, six women accompany us through numerous love dramas, small-town gossip and the trials and tribulations of getting older. From April 1, 2024, all episodes starring Ines Honsel and others will finally be available on Netflix.

Letzte Spur Berlin

On 12.04. and 10.05.2024, at 21:15, the episodes "Die Jäger" and "Ausgeliefert" of the ZDF series can be seen. Author: Etienne Heimann.

Familie Anders

"Rosarote Brille" und "Mann Nummer 1"
From March 30, 2024, there will be two new episodes of the series in the ZDF Mediathek and on April 7 and April 14, 2024, both at 8:15 pm on ZDF. Both films were directed by Sebastian Stern. Felix Hellmann took on the role of Oliver Koch in "Mann Nummer 1".


Blinde Flecken
On Saturday, 13.04.2024, at 20:15 on ZDF and already from 06.04. in the ZDF Mediathek. With: Despina Pajanou.

Oktober 1905

Following the success of "Oktoberfest 1900", a sequel to the ARD series is currently being produced, the plot of which is set five years after the first season. It is due to be broadcast next year. Max Schmidt may take on a role.

Deutscher Filmpreis

Die Theorie von Allem
The film with Gottfried Breitfuß is nominated in the category "Best Feature Film" and in 5 other categories. The award ceremony is on May 03, 2024 in Berlin.

Die Bergretter

16. Staffel
Five new episodes of the popular ZDF series are currently being filmed. Stefanie von Poser is once again in front of the camera in Ramsau am Dachstein and the surrounding area.

Das perfekte Geheimnis

Komödie im Bayerischen Hof
Drei Frauen. Vier Männer. Sieben Telefone. Und die Frage: Wie gut kennen sich diese Freunde und Paare wirklich? Als sie bei einem Abendessen über Ehrlichkeit diskutieren, entschließen sie sich zu einem Spiel: Alle legen ihre Smartphones auf den Tisch, und alles, was reinkommt, wird geteilt. Als Theaterstück und als Film weltweit ausgezeichnet. Ab 11. April 2024 zu sehen in der Komödie im Bayerischen Hof. Mit dabei: Gerhard Wittmann.

Tatort München

Schau mich an
In the 95th case for Batic and Leitmayr, which can be seen on ARD on April 7 at 8:15 p.m., the two come across terrible videos published on the Internet by a stranger during their investigation. Gerhard Wittmann is also involved.

Kurzstrecke mit Pierre M. Krause

Unterwegs mit Tom Beck
Pierre M. Krause meets celebrities and interesting personalities at their private and professional appointments of the day and accompanies them along the way - sometimes by car, sometimes on foot, sometimes by public transport. This time Pierre M. Krause spent a day with Tom Beck. The episode will soon be available in the ARD media library.


From now on we represent Chryssanthi Kavazi as an actress. We are very much looking forward to working with her. Welcome, dear Chrissa!

Soko Stuttgart

Sarah Thonig stars as Verena Herz in the successful ZDF series. It is produced by Bavaria Fiction.

Der Bozen-Krimi

Mein ist die Rache/Geheime Bruderschaft
Wieder ermittelt Hanspeter Müller-Drossaart als Peter Kerschbaumer in den spannenden Folgen des Bozen-Krimis. Ausgestrahlt werden diese Folgen am 14.03.2024 und 21.03.2024 jeweils um 20:15 Uhr in der ARD und sind ab 14.03.2024 und 21.03.2024 in der ARD Mediathek zu sehen.

Max und die wilde 7

Die Geister-Oma
Winfried Oesner's movie adventure, based on the successful children's book series of the same name, is not only exciting but also spooky. Max and his senior friends investigate a ghostly apparition. Jacob Matschenz is on board as "sports teacher Ströhle". From May 1, 2024 in cinemas!

Zwei Erben sind einer zuviel

The TV film with Tom Beck will be shown on ARD on March 29, 2024 at 8:15 pm and will be available in the ARD Mediathek from March 27.


The episode, which was directed by Alexander Costea, can be seen on ZDF on March 30 at 8:15 pm. Tanja Möppen is found dead in the cold store of a Michelin-starred restaurant in Leer. Police officers Süher Özlügül and Henk Cassens have to find out whether it was an accident or a murder.

Künstlerische Leitung

74. Deutscher Filmpreis
Director Lars Jessen (MITTAGSSTUNDE) and author Samira El Ouassil will be the artistic directors of the 74th German Film Awards. Das Erste will broadcast the award ceremony on May 3, 2024 at 19:30 live in the media library and at 22:20 on linear television.

FFF Bayern

The FFF Bayern has made its decision. Among others, material development funding to Kathrin Anna Stahl, together with Christian Knie, and Nordpolaris for the drama "Zweihundervierundfünfzig Meter". We are very happy for you! Congratulations!

Bad Influencer

The debut series by Lilli Tautfest and Melanie Waelde takes a satirical approach to the world of social media stars. The 8 episodes of 20 minutes each are expected to be shown in the fall of 2024 in the ARD Mediathek and on SWR as part of "Debüt im Dritten 2024".

Sexuell verfügbar

From now, "Sexuell verfügbar" starring Laura Tonke is available in the ARD Mediathek. Also on board: Chryssanthi Kavazi. The five-part mini-series breaks down common stereotypes. She is what women have to be every day. Because that's what society dictates. A funny, original series.

Hubert ohne Staller

Hahn im Korb
The episode with Gerhard Wittmann can be seen on ARD on 06.03.2024 at 18:50. Afterwards it will also be available in the ARD Mediathek.


Die Nominierungen
The ZDF film "Wir haben einen Deal" with Johanna Bittenbinder, Heinz-Josef Braun, Sebastian Jehkul and Sebastian Fritz has been nominated for the 60th Grimme Prize 2024 in the Fiction category. We are delighted and keeping our fingers crossed!

Die Rosenheim-Cops

Drehstart Winter-Special
The 90-minute winter special "Totholz" of the "Rosenheim Cops" has been in production in Rosenheim, Munich and Bavaria Studios since mid-February. The cast includes Dieter Fischer as Inspector Stadler, Sarah Thonig as Mrs. Lange and Kathrin Anna Stahl as Sandra Schmidbauer.


Kinostart und Kinotour
The film will be released in cinemas on March 6, 2024. Also taking part: Corinna Binzer, Sepp Schauer and Max Schmidt. The cast is also going on a cinema tour, including in Passau (13.03.2024) and Munich (09.04.2024).


We are very pleased to announce that Miriam Ohlmeyer is now representing us as an actress. Welcome, dear Miriam!

Ein Abend mit Eckhard Preuß

In his first solo program, Eckhard Preuß tells the story of a mature man who set off a long time ago from faraway East Westphalia to try his hand as an artist, far away from his beloved homeland, without knowing why.... without a plan... The evening thrives on playful anecdotes, sometimes raunchy memories and strangely touching songs, to which the artist accompanies himself stubbornly on the piano. Tickets for the premiere can be found at www.theater-drehleier.de

Spuk unterm Riesenrad

Following the DDR television series of the same name, a feature film about Tammi, Keks, Umbo and the three ghost train characters who have come to life will be released in cinemas for the first time on February 22. Atef Vogel can be seen as Dr. Sommerscheidt.

Die Neue und der Bulle - Ein Duisburg-Krimi

Plötzlich Bulle
In the new crime series, Charif Ounis can be seen as Tarik Bashar on RTL on February 13, 2024 at 8:15 pm.


The missing parents
This episode is about a couple who have disappeared and Hannes Hellmann plays the worried father.

Deutsches Fernsehkrimifestival

The crime series "Lass sie gehen" has been nominated in the category "FernsehKrimi-Preis" at this year's German Television Crime Festival 2024. Sebastian Fritz has taken on the role of Martin Gmähle. We congratulate the entire team and keep our fingers crossed for the award ceremony in March!


Corinna Binzer - vom Büro auf die Bühne
The well-known BR format enters a new round and portrays the exciting life of Corinna Binzer in an authentic and loving way.

Ein Krimi aus Passau

Gier nach Gold
Spannend wird es auch wieder in dieser Folge. Es geht um die Vergangenheit einer Familie die viele Fragen aufwirft. Thomas Schmauser ist als Hubert Höllrigl zu sehen. Ab sofort in der Mediathek und am 01.02.2024 um 20:15 Uhr in der ARD

Deutsches Fernsehkrimifestival 2024

The thriller series DIE SAAT - TÖDLICHE MACHT has been nominated for Crime Series of the Year at the German Television Crime Festival 2024. Directed by Alexander Dierbach. We are delighted and congratulate all the creatives involved, the actors and the entire team!

Prix Jeunesse International Munich

Juli tanzt
The ZDF/KIKA film has been nominated for Best Film in the Fiction category (7-10 year olds) at the world's oldest children's and youth television festival. The film was directed by Melanie Waelde.

Preis der dt. Filmkritik 2024

Gottfried Breitfuß is nominated for best actor for his performance in the movie "Die Theorie von Allem".

HFF München

Nicolas Wackerbarth was appointed professor for the cinema and television film directing course at the HFF Munich, where he heads the feature film directing department together with Julia von Heinz and Marcus H. Rosenmüller.

Ein Krimi aus Passau

Time to pray
This exciting episode is about the sudden death of a lawyer in need of clarification. Xenia Tiling takes on the role of Detective Chief Inspector Hermine Grill. To be seen on 25.01.2024, at 20:15 on ARD and from 23.01. in the ARD Mediathek

Der Schmidt Max auf der Suche

In the new BR programme "Der Schmidt Max auf der Suche", Max Schmidt looks for answers to these questions on his journey through Bavaria, where he meets people who not only tell him their definition of happiness, adventure, togetherness and time, but where Max always experiences something himself.

Fair Film Award 2024

This year's shortlist includes "München Mord: Die indische Methode", directed by Matthias Kiefersauer. The prize honours projects that place value on fair treatment of one another and a good working atmosphere. With the TV60 team, Sven Burgemeister, Marion Dany and Carli Morbach and many others, Matthias Kiefersauer has succeeded in doing just that.

Die Chefin

Determined by others
This time, the crime series is about a murder in connection with abortion. The cast includes Tommy Schwimmer, Xenia Tiling and Regula Grauwiller. To be seen, on 19.01.2024 at 20:15 on ZDF and in the ZDF Mediathek.

Die Toten vom Bodensee

Regula Grauwiller plays Marlene Wabinski, mother of a murdered daughter. To be seen on 15.01.2024 at 20:15 on ZDF and in the ZDF Mediathek.

Morden im Norden

Three Sisters
In this exciting family tragedy, Sina Wilke as Jana Sasse and Bernd Tauber as Joachim Wegemann can be seen on 15.01.2024 at 18:50 on ARD and now also in the ARD Mediathek.

Jupiter Award

Das Beste aus 2023
Until February 29, 2024, you can vote for the best from cinema, streaming & TV 2023 from twelve categories. The choices include Laura Tonke as Best Actress for "Wann wird es endlich wieder so, wie es nie war", "Rehragout Rendezvous" with Max Schmidt, Gerhard Wittmann and Stephan Zinner as Best Film (Cinema) national, "Ein Schritt zum Abgrund", directed by Alexander Dierbach, in the category Best Film (TV, Streaming) national and as Best Series national: "Tage, die es nicht gab" with Sissy Höfferer.Anyone who would like to vote is welcome to do so at www.jupiter-award.de.

Die Chefin

The price of truth
Felix Hellmann can be seen as Volker Hersberg in the popular crime series on 12.01.2024 at 20.15 on ZDF.

Nord Nord Mord

Sievers und die fünf Fragezeichen
The episode is now available in the ZDF Mediathek. Gerhard Wittmann can be seen in the role of Gernot Steltzer.

Haus aus Glas

Der Wassermann
In this gripping and atmospherically narrated mini-series about a family in a state of emergency, Sebastian Fritz can be seen in the role of Mäx on ARD on January 9, 2024 at 8:15 pm. Now also available in the ARD Mediathek.

Ostsee für Sturköppe

The carpenter Eva Jensen wants to make a completely new start on the Baltic Sea. The movie is now available in the ARD Mediathek. The film was directed by Joana Vogdt.


A Wiesn Gschicht
Titus Thalhammer (Dieter Fischer), a long-established showman and Ferris wheel owner, fights together with his fellow showmen against the beer barons and Oktoberfest landlords, who are closing in on them more and more on the Wiesn grounds. Now available in the ARD media library.

Die Rosenheim-Cops

The Rosenheim cops are investigating again tonight in feature length! The winter special "Ein eiskalter Mord", on December 27, at 8:15 pm on ZDF and in the ZDF Mediathek.Sarah Thonig as "Frau Lange" and Dieter Fischer as "Kommissar Stadler" are there when a multi-day curling tournament makes headlines in Rosenheim:The rich and famous play for a good cause. But then the event is overshadowed by a gruesome crime.


Stories become songs - Eckhard Preuß' new solo play can be seen on January 12 and 13 at the Drehleier in Munich.

Davos 1917

The time has finally come! The broadcast dates are just around the corner: from December 17 at 8.05 p.m. on SRF 1 and from December 15 on Play SuisseOn December 20 & 21 at 8.15 p.m. also on ARD and in the ARD Mediathek.Hanspeter Müller-Drossaart can be seen as Peter Gabathuler. It was produced by Letter Box Filmproduktion and Contrast Film. By Revolve Casting.

Die Saat - Tödliche Macht

The series "Die Saat - Tödliche Macht" is now available in ARD Mediathek. Directed by Alexander Dierbach. Casting: Stefany Pohlmann. We wish you exciting entertainment!

Die Wespe

3. Staffel
The 3rd season of "The Wasp" is finally here! All 6 episodes are now available to watch on WOW. Bernd Tauber is on board as "Rollo Frotzke". Casting: Daniela Tolkien.


We are very pleased to have Maria Sophie Siegl as an actress with us from now on.